Refereed Journals
2022 2022 2021 2020 2020 2020 2010 2010 |
Bogdan, E. A., McDonald-Harker, C., Bassi, E., & Haney, T. Holding together after disaster: The role of social skills in strengthening family cohesion and resilience. Family Relations, 1-21.
Bogdan, E. A., Drolet, J., Gendron, M., Khatiwada, K., Lewin, B., Windsor, E. Building new relationships and connections in emergency management: The role of social work practitioners and human service professionals in disaster recovery. Canadian Journal of Emergency Management 2(2). (open access) Bogdan, E. A., & Cottar, S. A serious role-playing game as a pedagogical innovation to strengthen flood resilience. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 41(3), 98-100. doi: 10.1109/MTS.2022.3197124. Bogdan, E. A., Roszko, A. M., Beckie, M. A., & Conway, A. We’re Ready! Effectiveness of community disaster preparedness workshops across different community groups in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102060. Download pre-print for free. Bogdan, E. A., Caine, K. J., & Beckie, M. A. Unraveling the social construction of a flooding disaster: A threaded situation analysis approach. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 38(3), 308–339. Download for free. Bogdan, E. A. How a deadly pandemic cleared the air: Narratives and practices linking COVID-19 with air pollution and climate change. Space and Culture, 23(3), 293–300. Download. Bogdan, E. A., Beckie, M. A., Caine, K. J. (Online Feb., print in 2021). Making room for nature? Applying the Dutch room for the river approach to flood risk management in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of River Basin Management. Download. Beckie, M. & Bogdan, E. Planting roots: Urban agriculture for senior immigrants. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 1(2), 77–89. Download for free. Davidson, D. & Bogdan, E. Reflexive modernization at the source: Media coverage of BSE in rural Alberta. Canadian Review of Sociology, 47(4), 359-380. Download. |
Refereed Book Chapters
2016 |
Bogdan, E., Bennett, A., & Yumagulova, L. Public engagements in forward looking recovery efforts following the 2013 floods in High River and Calgary. In G. Marsh et al. (Eds.), Community engagement in post-disaster recovery (pp. 37–55). New York, NY: Routledge. Download.
Braun, J. & Bogdan, E. Transitioning towards sustainable food and farming: Interactions between learning and practice in community spaces. In C. Anderson, J. Brady, & C.Z. Levkoe (Eds.), Conversations in food studies (pp. 301–321). University of Manitoba Press. Download. |
Manuscripts Accepted or In Press
Bogdan, E. A. & Miller-Karas, E. Trauma- and resilience-informed practice for self-care and peer-support among social work students. In J. Drolet (Ed.) Student Handbook on Field Education. University of Calgary Press. (open access)
Bogdan, E. A. Incorporating a critical approach through representation of power dynamics in a serious game on climate change. In S. Mookerjea & D. Mounsef. (Eds.), Toxic media ecologies: Critical responses to the cultural politics of planetary crisis. University of Athabasca Press. Download.
Bogdan, E. A. Incorporating a critical approach through representation of power dynamics in a serious game on climate change. In S. Mookerjea & D. Mounsef. (Eds.), Toxic media ecologies: Critical responses to the cultural politics of planetary crisis. University of Athabasca Press. Download.
Manuscripts Revise or resubmit in Progress
Bogdan, E. A. Future flooding disasters foretold in Fort McMurray: The stalling of the Floodway Development Regulation in Alberta. In D. Henstra & J. Thistlethwaite (Eds.), Flood risk governance in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press [Targeted publisher]
Manuscripts Submitted
Bogdan, E.A., Ibrahim, N., Murdock, H. J. The Flood Resilience Challenge serious role-playing game as an online teaching and learning tool in a large engineering class. Conference Proceedings 2023 Canadian Engineering Association.
Drolet, J., Khatiwada, K., Windsor, E., & Bogdan, E.A. The role of social work practitioners and human service professionals in long-term disaster recovery after the 2016 Alberta wildfires in Canada. International Social Work Journal.
Drolet, J., Khatiwada, K., Windsor, E., & Bogdan, E.A. The role of social work practitioners and human service professionals in long-term disaster recovery after the 2016 Alberta wildfires in Canada. International Social Work Journal.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Bogdan, E. A. There’s more to environmental governance than just practices: The Threaded Situation Analysis approach.
Bogdan, E. A. & Murdock, H. Enhancing flood risk governance and resilience with a serious role-playing game as an educational and engagement tool.
Murdock, H. & Bogdan, E. A. Design, play, collaborate: Flood risk serious game design process for professional training and academic learning environments.
Bogdan, E. A. & Sharma, A. Assessing ‘meaningfulness’ of stakeholder engagement in decision-making about flood risk management in Canada using the Process, Output/Outcome, and Impact Stakeholder Engagement (POISE) analytical framework.
Bogdan, E. A. & Murdock, H. Enhancing flood risk governance and resilience with a serious role-playing game as an educational and engagement tool.
Murdock, H. & Bogdan, E. A. Design, play, collaborate: Flood risk serious game design process for professional training and academic learning environments.
Bogdan, E. A. & Sharma, A. Assessing ‘meaningfulness’ of stakeholder engagement in decision-making about flood risk management in Canada using the Process, Output/Outcome, and Impact Stakeholder Engagement (POISE) analytical framework.
Web-Based Publications
2021 2020 2020 2017 2016 |
Bogdan, E. A., & Cottar, S. (Sep.) A serious role-playing game as a pedagogical innovation to strengthen flood resilience. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 41(3), 98-100. doi: 10.1109/MTS.2022.3197124.
Roszko, A. M., Bogdan, E. A., Beckie, M A., & Conway, A. Building social connections with the We're Ready! Community disaster preparedness workshop. HazNet: The Magazine of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network, Silver Linings Special Issue 16(2), 30–33. Bogdan, E. A., Henstra, D., & Thistlethwaite, J. Fort McMurray's flood disaster was foreseeable and preventable. The Conversation. May. Bogdan, E. A. Alberta’s response to COVID-19. Contexts Magazine: Sociology for the Public (ASA journal). April. Bogdan, E. The Disaster Recovery Program in Alberta following the 2013 floods. HazNet: Canadian Risks and Hazards Network. October. Madden, M. & Bogdan, E. Why economic developers need to help farmers protect water supplies. Higher ED: Insights for the Next Economy. University of Waterloo. August. |
Other Publications
2022 2021 2019 2018 2016 2010 2010 2010 |
Andrey, J., Wright, J., Bogdan, E., Hamilton, S., Krueger, R. (2022, October). Inclusive resilience: Reducing disaster risks for Canadians [Executive Summary]. Waterloo, Ontario: Partners for Action, University of Waterloo.
Bogdan, E. A., Nelson, T., & Lau, W. We’re Ready! Plus community disaster preparedness workshop in Inglewood community, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Report. Transforming the Field Education Landscape. University of Calgary. Bogdan, E. A. The Flood Resilience Challenge game report. University of Waterloo. Bogdan, E. A. & Beckie, M. Community engagement programs in higher education at the graduate and professional levels: McCalla professorship project. Report. University of Alberta. Stirling, B., Giang, V., Bogdan, E., Neyer, R., Boyce, S., Ukaigwe, S., Andres, F. C. H. The Building Up Grants program. United Nations Urban Thinkers Campus. University of Alberta. Bogdan, E. We're Ready! Neighbourhood disaster preparedness program report. Download. Beckie, M. & Bogdan, E. Exploring local food initiatives in Alberta. University of Alberta. October. Bogdan, E. Urban-rural interdependency: The benefits and costs of urban-rural cooperation in Alberta Southwest Region. City-Region Studies Centre, University of Alberta. City-Region Studies Centre (Contributor). Partnerships: Changing dynamics of urban-rural interdependencies. University of Alberta. Download. |